I AM becoming increasingly concerned in respect of the number of anonymous letters you publish each day, whether from Friend of the Forest' - Baldy Badger drives me mad, or the two Name and Address supplied' - Why Don't They Listen and a New School and a New Political Timetable.

Out of 12 letters published on Saturday, three were anonymous, on Friday it was one out of five.

Whereas I can see the need for victims of crime or injustice to withhold their names, together with whistleblowers within organisations accountable to the public such as schools, hospitals or the local authority; a significant number of your anonymous contributors are espousing opinions, which are either at worst racist, at best xenophobic, as in the case of Why Don't They Listen' or clearly have a political axe to grind. If your contributors to the letters page want to instigate public debate or set down their views in a public forum they should have the courage and honesty to put their names to their letters.