IT made me smile when reading a letter from Conservative, Colin Smith where he appears to be supporting the UKIP!

He writes that the Liberal Democrats are on the fringe of non-existence. I would remind him that his Conservatives are being propped up by the coalition with the Liberal Democrat.

Locally the Conservatives continue with the in-fighting at New Milton, New Forest District where for example one Tory stood as an Independent.

Another slapping a candidate, where they had won!

I admit that in the New Forest, the Lib/Dems are thin on the ground and I suggest to readers in the area, if you wish to remove the Conservatives do take action.

It is no good sitting tight hoping others will.

However across the country, the Liberal Democrats are still strong and unlike Mr Smith’s prediction, I suggest because of the poor following for the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats should do well at the next General Election.

The Conservatives had a poor result last time, when they should have created a landslide, however the public quite rightly decided not to trust them.