A group of squatters have now left the disused Blockbuster building in Portswood - leaving it empty with the doors boarded shut.

Previously the group told the Echo that holding up in the vacant store was their only alternative to living on the streets.

The building has remained an eyesore on the High Street since the brand collapsed in 2013 and has been falling into disrepair for the last 11 years.

Despite being full of clutter when the squatters were living at the premises, the building is now empty.

Daily Echo: This is the cleared former shop floor now compared to when the squatters were living in the buildingThis is the cleared former shop floor now compared to when the squatters were living in the building (Image: NQ)

A couple, aged 22 and 18, had been living in the building for around five months and said that the housing situation in Southampton was dire.

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The store was strewn with debris including a road sign, vehicle registration plate, record player and shopping basket.

Speaking at the time, one of the squatters said: “After a troubled home life we both found ourselves on the streets with nowhere to turn.

“The housing system is broken – it failed us and so many others. This place is all we have.”

Many people have nostalgic memories of renting old DVDs and games at Blockbuster before it fell into administration in 2013 after 28 years in business.

At the company’s height, it had more than 9,000 stores worldwide and around 80,000 employees.

The Portswood building has been put up for sale several times and been taken up by other businesses, but none have lasted.