This is the shocking video showing the terrifying driving of a man a who took off through the streets of Southampton at 100mph in a bid to evade police. 

Police dashcam footage shows Kevin Barrett driving a Vauxhall Insignia at between 80 and 100mph as he drives through red lights with officers in pursuit. 

During the incident, the vehicle stops to let passengers out before speeding off again and taking a blind junction at Bassett Green Road. 

The vehicle was going so quickly that officers lost sight of the car, but found it again when they drove onto Stoneham Way and saw it crashed into the railway embankment. 

READ MORE: Driver led police on 100mph chase through Southampton

Judge Brian Forster KC said: "There could have been a fatal accident or someone could have been seriously injured."

As reported, Barrett was spared jail. 

He received a 40-week sentence suspended for 18 months and must complete 80 hours of unpaid work plus 30 rehabilitation days. 

He was banned from driving for two years and will need to take an extended re-test when he wants his licence back.