The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

GLENN JONES, 50, of Calmore Drive, Calmore was convicted of two counts of possessing a knife in a public place in Southampton. He was caught with a camo lock knife and a folding lock knife. He also pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Jones received a four-month sentence suspended for 12 months with 20 rehabilitation days. An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs. He must pay £85 court costs. 

SAMUEL GRIFFITHS, 36, of HMP Guys Marsh admitted two counts of theft from a shop after £268.55 worth of goods were stolen from Tesco Express in Southampton. He was jailed for four weeks and must pay the value of the stolen items back in compensation. 

Read our previous round-up here

NORMAN VLOTMAN, 55, of Angelica Way, Whiteley pleaded guilty to failing to comply with a lane closure signal on the M27 westbound between junctions ten and nine near Fareham. He was driving a Hyundai at the time. Vlotman was fined £100 and received three points on his licence. He must also pay £85 court costs and a £40 surcharge. 

ANDREW MATTHEW, 55, of The Avenue, Southampton admitted a charge of theft after he stole a bag and money belonging to a woman at Asda in Southampton. He was ordered to pay £67 compensation. 

TAYLA NUGENT, 21, of Victor Road, Emsworth pleaded guilty to drink driving a BMW 1 Series on Bitterne Road West in Southampton. She was banned from driving for 22 months and must pay a £200 fine. Nugent was also ordered to pay £85 court costs and an £80 surcharge. 

CALLUM KAYE, 31, of Ripley Road, Worthing admitted to causing criminal damage to a door and a fan in Southampton. He was fined £533 and must pay £85 court costs plus a £213 surcharge.