
  • Doing it by the book

    A WINCHESTER man is to head a charity aimed at saving public libraries for future generations. Desmond Clarke, 60, of Andover Road, has been elected chairman of Libri, set up four years ago by a group of enthusiasts dismayed at their dramatic decline.

  • 'Affordable homes needed'

    NEW homes should be built at Barton Farm to help address the city's shortage of affordable homes, according to a developer. At a public inquiry into the refusal of the city council to approve the plans, Martin Kingston QC, counsel for Cala Homes, said

  • The devil's in the details as Chris pursues his claim

    OVER six months after a minor morning prang in Winchester, Chris Butler is still no clearer as to who will pay for the damage to his car. As he sat in rush hour traffic at the railway tunnel lights near Ranelagh Road, Stanmore, on May 10, the 20-year-old

  • Dean's fond farewell to Winchester

    Michael Till walked the ancient Pilgrims' Way from Canterbury to Winchester to begin his ministry as Dean of Winchester Cathedral. He was welcomed at St Cross by cathedral precentor, Charles Stewart, who walked the last mile with him. Nine years and more

  • No room for flume spells gloom for 200 young users

    THE flume is doomed. There's no going back on the decision to remove the water slide from Winchester's leisure centre. City councillors heard that the cost of upgrading the site would be too expensive when the River Park is refurbished in a £1.4 million

  • Sparks fly as Stanmore debates homes

    CHAOS reigned at Stanmore steering group on Tuesday, when a livid resident unleashed a verbal volley on council members and planning professionals. The police nearly had to be called to escort him out following his criticism of plans to build 12 houses

  • Police HQ plan sent back to drawing board

    HUNDREDS of homes on the site of Hampshire Police HQ in Winchester is looking more likely following a planning appeal. Government Inspector, Clive Hughes, dismissed Hampshire Police Authority's appeal against the city council's decision this week to reject

  • New students urged: keep the noise down

    IT was all quiet on the student front last week as members of the city's university took part in a campaign urging students to cut the noise after a night's partying. As fresher's week drew to a close at the Sparkford Road campus, the latest recruits

  • Club's goal of extra income is ruled out

    WINCHESTER City Football Club has suffered a setback after planners kicked out two money-making schemes. The city council has refused permission for its home at Abbotts Barton to be used as a company car park and venue for car boot sales. Now David Malone