
  • Explorer cautioned on city bridge

    POLICE could hardly believe their eyes when they saw a man travelling over the Itchen Bridge with a heavy rig of tyres trailing behind him. They had rushed to the bridge in Southampton after concerned members of the public reported a man they

  • Pupils stage protest at Hampshire school

    A GROUP of pupils staged a protest at a Hampshire school today over plans to introduce mixed age tutor groups. The Daily Echo understands the youngsters at Henry Cort Community School in Fareham held a demonstration and refused to attend

  • Passengers may need passport to get to Isle of Wight

    DON’T forget your passport! Ferry passengers travelling to the Isle of Wight could soon have to show identity papers under a new anti-terrorist crackdown. The Government’s latest plan would also see passengers’ personal data, including

  • Father prepares to donate vital organ to sick daughter

    IT IS the ultimate gift – and he is only too happy to give it. Bob Potter is today preparing to donate his kidney to his 11-yearold daughter, giving her the best possible chance of life and, more importantly for Emily, the chance to eat chips

  • Accidental death verdicts on plane crash victims

    A CORONER has recorded verdicts of accidental death on four people killed in a plane crash on the Isle of Wight. Ryan Birch and his father Tony Birch, 52, from Wolverhampton, were flying to France in the Piper Cherokee light aircraft when they

  • Rush hour delays on the M271

    MOTORISTS travelling northbound on the M271 are being warned to expect lengthy delays during this evening’s rush hour following an accident. Ambulance crews and police were called to the scene of the crash that happened between junction one

  • Tributes to teenager who died after asthma attack

    A distraught mum has told of the moment her teenage son died in front of her eyes after suffering a catastrophic asthma attack. Daniel Jolly smashed his bedroom window as he battled for air, but not even an emergency nebulizer was able to help

  • Complaint against GP surgery upheld

    HEALTH watchdogs have upheld a complaint lodged by the parents of a woman who killed herself two years after a previous attempt failed. The Healthcare Commission says a GPs’ surgery has failed to adequately address two of the issues raised by

  • Motorcyclist taken to hospital after accident

    A MOTORCYCLIST has been taken to hospital after coming off her bike in Romsey Road, near to the Ower roundabout, this afternoon. The accident happened at 3.17pm this afternoon. It is believed the woman motorcyclist only suffered minor

  • Use us or lose us – shopkeepers issue warning to shoppers

    SUPPORT us and we will survive. That is the message from Bishopstoke’s king sausage maker. Over the last 25 years Les Smith has witnessed the slow death of the local shop, watching helplessly as bakery after greengrocer’s has disappeared

  • Country show saved as organisers raise £50,000

    ORGANISERS of one of the county’s most well-known country shows have announced it will go ahead this year after they managed to raise £50,000 to stage the event. The Alresford Show was almost scrapped after last year’s event was abandoned due to

  • Getting kids to read - with whoopie cushions

    IT WAS fun with a serious message. As their contribution to National Whoop Off Day, 50 Southampton children giggled as they simultaneously let off whoopee cushions outside a city bookshop. The volunteers were helping to promote April

  • Recession to blame for soaring crime stats

    RECESSION-FUELLED crime against Southampton businesses has soared by 112 per cent, according to figures released today. The statistics from insurance giant AXA show it is small family-run businesses that are suffering most from the credit crunch

  • Youngster knows everything to know about city's buses

    WHILE other little boys enjoy climbing trees and watching cartoons, five-year- old Aidan George is never happier than when he is poring over bus and train timetables. Drawing on his near encyclopaedic knowledge, the pint-sized enthusiast from

  • Cash for Titanic museum

    PLANS for a world-class tourist attraction about Southampton’s part in the Titanic story were set to take a major step forward today – with a £500,000 cash windfall. Sea City Museum, which will be built in the west wing of Southampton’s

  • MP joins attack on ‘ridiculous’ ship tax

    A SOUTHAMPTON MP has attacked a proposed hike in taxes for ships docking at the port as a threat to the city’s economic prosperity. Port bosses are warning that major shipping lines could switch to cheaper foreign rivals under government proposal

  • Craig David on greatest album shortlist

    SOUTHAMPTON star Craig David needs your vote! The R’n’B musician’s first album Born To Do It, inspired by his childhood in the city, has been shortlisted as one of MTV’s Greatest Albums Ever. Despite their recent Grammy success, none

  • Pensioner's anger at PM's response to Ford petition

    A HAMPSHIRE grandmother has branded the Prime Minister’s response to her plea to the Government to step in and help Ford as “disgraceful.” More than 1,000 people put their name to Paola Slominski’s appeal for the Government to provide the £100m

  • Gillett out for rest of season

    Saints have been dealt a major blow to their survival chances with Simon Gillett ruled out for the rest of the season. The midfielder has been on top form of late and looked set to play a vital role in the final seven games of the Championship

  • Baird moulding Eastleigh into title contenders

    Never mind the play-offs, Eastleigh must now be considered as genuine contenders for the Blue Square South title after completing a magnificent season’s double over leaders AFC Wimbledon in front of a record Silverlake Stadium crowd of 2,283. But irrespective

  • Arsonist makes a bid for freedom after court appearance

    AN arsonist made a brief break for freedom after a court appearance in Winchester. Victoria Tunnicliffe was leaving the Law Courts with four nurses and was walking towards the Man on the Horse statue on the High Street. The Daily Echo

  • Hunt for Hampshire's best village

    STRONG community spirit and a desire to pull together through good times and bad are the qualities being sought in the hunt for Hampshire’s best village. Entries are being accepted into the 2009 Calor Hampshire Village of the Year competition

  • Village to celebrate life of writer and theologian

    The life of theologian and writer John Keble will be celebrated in his home village of Hursley later this month. The choir of Keble College Oxford will put on a concert in the village hall later this month. Keble was a famous theologian