THE show is a retelling of the Old Testament Bible story of Joseph and his coat of many colours, without religious references.

Essentially a story of rivalry, slavery and oppression set to music, including heelslapping country, a gyrating Elvis, a lamenting French number and laid back Calypso.

Despite the incongruous genres, it manages to tell the story quite successfully. This largely relies on the leads, unsurprisingly Joseph (Howard Corbett) and the Narrator (Amber Spencer).

Corbett commands the stage and looks the part.

His acting is first class and I felt his singing was passionate and heartfelt, at least from his demeanour, but his mic failed for the majority of the second half, so sadly it was like watching mime.

Spencer wove herself through the scenes with her beautiful voice and empathy with the other characters.

The brothers were good to watch and listen to and there was some choreography, which complemented the musical styles (Michael Porter).

Technically there were a few first night hitches and a few weak moments, but overall it was well done.

Rebecca Case