This production of co-directors Jane Hilliard and Paul Rudelhoff ran into last-minute difficulties, meaning a partial rewrite of the original play, to accommodate the lack of one of the characters.

A painting weekend turns out to be something quite else thanks to a phoney instructor (Tom Martin, complete with French accent as Monsieur Pennise) and an undercover agent (Marie Stead). Sub-plots are involved as the action slowly unfolds.

The play contains risqué language, innuendo and double entendre plus some quite straightforward crudeness.

Mark Austin (Dai Williams) made the most of his uncouth character, while Anne Maynard (Stacey O’Callaghan) fashioned a brave attempt as a free-spirited American.

There was a well-constructed set to aid the actors. However, the loss of one of the cast was a problem that beset the action throughout and prompter Shelagh Rundle was frequently in demand.

Jim Rumsey