The winners of Chesil’s biennial short play writing competition, rehearsed and performed last weekend, were as follows: Margaret Histed – a gently touching piece, but would a nervous, heavily expectant mother be as calm as the Katy Watkins’ character?

Carole Hastings – a wartime story made vivid by having it performed as a radio play.

Noel Thorpe Tracey – a surreal nightmare.

Heather Bryant – so likeable it needed no final twist.

Karen Fitzsimmons – some lovely observations but slightly lacking in pace.

Joe Ledbury – thrilling opening, just avoided self-indulgence. Michael Lewis was a superb heavy.

Jonathon Edgington – familiar sassy chick humour, unexpectedly horrid ending.

Colin Paice – lovely idea, well played, especially by Emma Nias as Kay Herd’s “inner voice”.

Graham Cranmer – slightly odd seeming tale, which probably deserved greater length.

Gary Nicholson – went down very well.