JANE Cooke directs her twist on the Robin Hood story, which has lots of charm and provides an excuse for excellent work on settings by Paul Warne and his team and really lovely costumes, put together by Lorna Evans.

Though a little more might have been made of the “hoodie” theme, Cara Toseland makes a stalwart Robina, and when she finally gets a dress on it is a corker, so she need not envy the spectacular clothes of such lively players as Anna Stonehouse (a superbly hissable Countess of Hambleingham), Dean Wakefield (a very funny dame) and Ashleigh Ings, who gets a suitably vivid dress for her Trill Scarlet, and who sings with great skill and conviction.

Emily Halladay, as Sir Marion aka John Wayne (don’t ask) also proves to have a lovely singing voice. Abby Hand and Amy Gardiner deserve special mention for narrating and making the audience sing.

Hamble Players and Junior Hamble Players, Hamble Village Memorial Hall