IN THIS original yet faithful version of Aladdin all the elements of traditional pantomime were present in an eclectic mix of wit, corny jokes, gunge, magical illusions and stunning costumes.

Emily Manion was brilliant as the beautiful, haughty, sassy Princess (great voice and terrific stage presence).

Mathew Walker was a fabulous Widow Twankey, with voice consistently falsetto, exuberant character and a marvellous rapport with both the audience and Laraine Dunleavy (great as ‘her’ slightly simple son, Mujahadin).

Penelope Wright and Michelle Turner were excellent as the comic, incompetent cops, with great voices, characterisations and timing.

Good choreography brought out the best abilities in the ensemble, who also sang well, and the pianist was very talented, but unfortunately the amplification overwhelmed solo voices.

A good but ambitious set resulted in drawn-out scene changes and the panto was just a bit too long for the younger audience members (where the pace dropped), but overall this was fun-filled family entertainment.