A FUNDRAISING frenzy will hit the south tomorrow as thousands of people dig deep for this year's Children in Need appeal.

Organisers at the BBC are hoping to beat last year's regional total of £700,000.

Teams of friends, families and work colleagues in Hampshire have come up with some creative cash-collecting campaigns to help impoverished youngsters across the UK.

The fundraising has already started in Fareham as more than 500 naval trainees at HMS Collingwood raised £766 by dressing up in fancy dress costumes and marching past their commanding officers.

Each Wednesday morning the trainees are required to report to the main parade ground for a 45-minute uniform inspection.

However, the motley crew of superheroes, cartoon characters and men dressed in drag were anything but presentable as they marched past their superiors.

A Royal Navy spokesman said: "It was a very successful event. All the personnel got into the spirit of it and it was great fun. As part of the military ethos for the young trainees their uniform is inspected to make sure they are smart enough and it's normally taken very seriously."

Other events across the county to come include pupils and teachers from Crescent Primary School, Eastleigh, who will be going to school dressed up as children's toys tomorrow.

As well as fancy dress, every child will be bringing in a toy for their toy stall, which will be taking place at the school, in Toynbee Road, from 3.15pm. Pudsey Bear biscuits will also be on sale at the school.

Only the fittest will survive as teams from the Army take on each other in a rowing challenge at The Mall Marlands shopping centre in Southampton.

Service personnel will be racing into the challenge on dry land to help raise money for the appeal.

The shopping centre will also be full of Pink Ladies and Danny Zuko look-a-likes as staff and retailers at The Mall Marlands will also be raising money for the appeal by dressing up as characters from the film Grease.