A SOUTHAMPTON man sent terrifying text messages to his former partner after they split.

John White sent a message saying: “Hope you die, hope you get stabbed and die,” to his ex-lover, a court heard.

And in another text sent to Lorraine Webb he said: “ You’re a good for nothing b***h” and “Get raped and murdered tonight.”

A judge read out the vile texts White had sent to his former childhood sweetheart when he appeared before Winchester Crown Court.

The court heard that he fired off the text in frustration at being unable to see the couple’s son.

Prosecutor Gary Venturi told the court how his former flame had reported him to the police after confronting her in her car outside work in Southampton city centre, which was in breach of a non-molestation order.

White banged on her vehicle to get her to open her window.

When she refused, he hit a wing mirror four times, causing a £200 repair bill.

 White, 23, of no fixed abode, admitted harassment, criminal damage and breaching a restraining order.

Jailing him for six months, the judge told White he had lost his temper when damaging the car.

“It was a most unpleasant incident, clearly your temper boiled over.

“A spontaneous reaction may be one thing but you channelled your anger into a series of deeply unpleasant text messages.

“Given the history of this matter, the sentence cannot be suspended.”

In mitigation, Michael Williams said the pair had essentially been childhood sweethearts and in a relationship in their teenage years, and he had found it difficult when it ended and was frustrated over the amount of contact he had with his son.

“It is not an excuse,” he submitted.

“But it does explain why someone of previous good character began behaving in an unnatural and bad way.”