A GROUP of Hampshire pensioners attempting to drive around the world have reached Russia’s largest Pacific Ocean port.

Les Carvall and his fellow adventurers – all in their seventies – have taken just over eight weeks to travel from Southampton to Vladivostock.

They are members of the charity Heaven Can Wait, I’m Busy, which is raising funds for Save the Children and Oakhaven Hospice in Lymington.

Les, 72, of Everton, near Lymington, is driving one of two Suzuki Jimnys involved in the 28,000- mile trip.

An expedition spokesman said: “Southampton to Vladivostock in eight weeks and two days – not a bad effort for the old guys.

“Many doubted that Les could pull it off but not only has he done it he’s done it in style, through good days and tough days. And he’s done it all with a smile.”

The Jimnys will now be put in a container and shipped to Vancouver, Canada, for the next stage of the five-month journey.

Les recalled his recent trip across Mongolia. He took the country’s main highway, only to discover that more than half the 1,200-mile road was just a sandy track.

He said: “We were averaging 25-45mph and nearly wrecked the poor Jimnys – and ourselves.”