THREE Hampshire friends were today taking on a mammoth challenge for a disabled youngster.

Rob Connor, 35, from Marchwood, Ross Stewart, 38, of Lordshill, and Steve Blight, 48, of Fawley, were doing a 15-mile kayak from Redbridge to Lepe and then a 35-mile bike ride from Lepe beach through various locations in the New Forest including Beaulieu, Lyndhurst, Lymington ending at Hilltop, in Beaulieu.

They were due to set off at 8am, hoping to reach Lepe in four hours and then complete the bike ride in three hours.

The challenge has already raised more than £2,000 for Jake’s Mission, a fund set up in December by parents of two-yearold Jake Mellor, from Holbury, who has athetoid cerebral palsy and visual impairment.

This uncommon form of cerebral palsy affects all of Jake’s body and makes it difficult for him to co-ordinate his movements so even swallowing is a challenge.

Jake’s dad Nick Mellor will cycle the last two miles with Jake in tow in a trailer and the whole family will be at the finish.

Jake’s mum Kate Mellor, 32, said: “This is the first time someone has done a fundraising event in their name, which was “absolutely amazing”.

Father-of-two Rob, an analyst of Larkspur Drive, said he had planned to fundraise for charity but hadn’t decided which one, but was inspired by Jake’s story when he came across it online.

He said: “I realised he was a similar age to my son and it struck a chord with me.

“If you go on to his website he’s always smiling.”

To donate to the challenge log on to