HER life revolved around junk food so when she got a job at McDonald's she couldn't resist bingeing on burgers.

Bethany McCluskey became so unhappy being overweight she feared stepping on the scales, avoided being in photographs at all costs and dreaded going out with friends.

Tipping the scales at 19 stone, she hated drawing attention to herself so didn't wear any make up and wore loose dark clothes.

But today life couldn't be more different.

Aged 18 Bethany is the remarkable shrinking teenager and her transformation charted in these pictures is so extreme, people don't recognise her anymore.

She has lost 5st 4lbs in just ten months and towering at 5ft 8ins and wearing a svelte size 12, she epitomises glamour.

Bethany from Harefield in Southampton loves the latest fashions and her makeup is never less than perfect.

And rather than serving burgers, she's a beauty specialist - and has even been scouted by a model agent.

“It's amazing. I just can't believe it," she says.

“People see me now who haven't seen me in a long time and they say 'wow', they have to do a double take.”

Bethany was overweight from childhood but piled on the pounds into her teens when she would eat takeaways, sweets and tubs of ice cream at a time.

It got worse when she began working for McDonald's.

She would drink unlimited full fat coke in the drive through, eat a large quarter pounder with cheese meal with a large milkshake followed by a McFlurry at lunch. Then when she was picked up from work she would sometimes even order another meal with either another milkshake or McFlurry before her dinner at home.

“Working in McDonald's I'd see what people were ordering and it would make me hungrier than I already was. I'd eat like that four days a week.

“It got out of control and I didn't even notice that I struggled to fit into my size 18 uniform.

“I was so miserable I wouldn't go out with friends really. All my friends are quite slim so I'd feel like I wouldn't really fit in.”

But seeing an unflattering photograph taken at a family Christmas meal, shocked Bethany into action.


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She explains: “I hated scales, they were my enemy. I thought that if I didn't own any, I couldn't see how much I weighed and it wouldn't be a problem.

"I was in denial. I'd never let anybody take pictures of me. My brother's wedding was horrible.

"I'd always try to get in the back of the picture and if someone took a picture of me I'd refuse to look at it or I'd make them delete it but I saw this one.

“I was horrified. My face looked like a ball, it was like a balloon.

“I knew I had to do something. I didn't want to turn 18 and look like that anymore.”

She joined a slimming group in January this year as a New Year's resolution and swapped calorie-laden junk food for healthy homecooked meals with fruit and vegetables.

In her first week she lost 10lbs.

Within months she had the confidence to go for a promotion where she now works, at Superdrug, to become a beauty specialist.

“Before I just always wanted to hide away in the background. I didn't want to draw attention to myself but now I love making an effort when it comes to clothes and makeup.

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“I'm out with my friends all the time and I have the confidence to speak to people now. It's like I'm a totally different person.

“My friend sent a modelling agency some pictures and they said they are interested, I can't believe it. I'm on the fence on that one at the moment because I've never had that reaction before!”

Now Bethany weighs a healthy 13st 9.5lbs and says although she still wants to lose another stone and a half to reach her target weight, she feels happier than ever.

“I am smiling all the time. I love life. I'll never stop going to Slimming World (she is a member of the Bitterne group) because I've met some really good friends there and you get so much support.

“People always say to me they can't believe how much I eat so I guess I have eaten myself slim but young people need to know you don't need to starve yourself.

"I'm certainly never hungry.

“I felt like I was just a shadow of myself before but now I am in control and happy. I'd say to teenagers who feel the same as me to not hold back. It's the best decision I've ever made.”