A HAMPSHIRE MP has criticised plans to sell off hospital land which was originally paid for by the people of Romsey.

Sandra Gidley, MP for Romsey, has asked for clarification from the Hampshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) about a decision taken at a board meeting last month to sell off surplus land at the rear of Romsey Hospital.

It is believed the land was originally paid for by the townsfolk, according to the League of Friends.

Jean Denham, chairman of the Romsey Hospital League of Friends, said: "That land was bought by the people of Romsey at the time the hospital was sited there.

"We have a meeting of the League early next week and will discuss the matter."

A spokesman for Hampshire PCT said it has tried to find suitable primary care use for the land during the past ten years but the proposals have not been permitted hence the decision to declare the land surplus to requirements.