ONE mobile company is going that extra mile for their customers and painting the town pink.

To celebrate the opening of their new store at Fareham Shopping Centre, T-Mobile is offering tuk-tuk rides to weary shoppers.

And the sight of the pink motorised cabins, more likely to be spotted in South-East Asia, is definitely brightening up the day for the people hitching a ride.

Aaron Thompson, acting manager, said: "It is a great way to get people talking about our store while customers are able to take the weight off their feet and be chauffeured around the centre."

Warren Turner, tuk-tuk driver, said: "It's brilliant to see people's reaction and see their jaws drop when they spot us driving through the town. It's just nice to make them smile."

If you have ever wondered why the three-wheeled tuk-tuk is not a common sight on English roads, it's simple - it's not the warmest way to travel around in the middle of January.

To catch your free ride, visit the T-Mobile store in Fareham either today or tomorrow.