A HAMPSHIRE man shopped his grandson to police after realising he had been responsible for a break-in near his home.

Ryan Johnson, 27, had knocked back 14 beers before targeting the detached bungalow of his neighbour knowing the occupant, a retired 67-year-old woman, was away recovering from a hip operation.

Prosecutor Eleanor Fargin told Southampton Crown Court how Johnson broke into the Botley property by smashing a window with a flowerpot.

Inside he had a drink before leaving with a television and a DVD player and causing about £200 worth of damage to a carpet with a cigarette.

The victim told the police in an impact statement the burglary had left her feeling wary because her privacy had been invaded.

She said: “I feel someone has pulled the rug from under my feet and when I think about it, it makes me cry.”

Said to have 17 previous convictions for 35 offences, Johnston, of Gainsborough Road, Salisbury, admitted burglary and was jailed for eight months.

In mitigation, Adam Feest said Johnston had a serious drink problem and had confessed to his probation officer what he had done.