IT was just how she would have liked it.

Popular biker Carol “Bubbles” Carr devoted her spare time to helping and fundraising for those less fortunate.

Now one year on since her death in a road crash, scores of motorcyclists have come together to ensure the 50-year-old’s memory is kept alive.

It was on February 18 last year that Bubbles died following a crash in West End, sending shockwaves through the biking community both in Hampshire and further afield.

At her funeral, hundreds of people travelled from across the country to pack out the crematorium and give her the send off she deserved.

Now they have come together on the first anniversary of her death to pay their respects once more to Bubbles and visit the spot where she died in Moorhill Road, where they left flowers. 

Daily Echo:

The giant ride-out then moved on to the Second Chance Animal Rescue centre in Mansbridge Road to donate pet food – a nod to her love of animals and her two pet rats Mr Snuffles and Chatterbox which she carried in her rucksack.

The bikers then finished by riding to Portsdown Hill for lunch and then back to the Bittern Pub, where they enjoyed live music.

One of those on the ride was Dave Scott, 58, who was a friend of Bubbles and a member of the Harley-Davidson Riders Club.

Daily Echo:

Mr Scott, said: “The atmosphere was very good, it was a good turnout.

“It was a bit emotional, especially the flower laying at the spot where she died, but it was a very good reminder because she did so much for charity and she was so well known all over the country.”

As reported, Philip Stocks, 54, of Redlands Lane, Fareham, has been charged with causing death by dangerous driving following the collision.

He appeared in court and has pleaded not guilty. He will now stand trial in June.