Police are seriously concerned for the welfare of a man missing on the Isle of Wight.

Virgil Balmer, 54, went missing from his home in Newport on Scarrotts Lane yesterday morning.

He left the house around 9.30am to get a bus to Ventnor.

He was spotted later in the morning by a member of the public on his way back to Newport and getting off the bus at Godshill.

Officers are focusing their search on the island but have also asked ferry passengers to keep an eye out.

Police say that Virgil has muscular dystrophy and has missed his medication.

He is described as white, approximately 5ft 9ins tall, with a beard and moustache.

He was last seen wearing grey trousers and a blue coat and carrying his multi-coloured walking stick.

Inspector Gary May said: “We’re extremely concerned for Virgil’s welfare. He’s missed his medication which will impact on his ability to walk and therefore the possibility of a collapse is a consideration.

“There is nothing to suggest he’s left the Island and so I’d like to hear from anyone who may have seen him.

“He’s carrying a very distinctive, red, white and blue striped walking stick so I’m hoping he will be easy to spot.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Hampshire Constabulary on 101.

In an emergency, please call 999.