Scriptwriter Steve Moulster created a witty script, which this exceptionally talented bunch of players, drawn from societies locally, turned into a panto with a difference - Cinderella, as I've never seen it before.

It featured psychedelia, hippies and beatniks, sputniks and spacemen from Spudania.

Particularly funny was the Vindaloo Crunchies sandwich board motif by Brian Eyelon (Richard Peaty) and Billie Hackenhoff (Anne Waggott), Hairy Mary the Fairy Godmother (she of the rainbow wig and silver bells!!) played a la Dawn French brilliantly by Becky Coultas.

Once the sound level was adjusted, the cast enjoyed delivering songs of the era, Girls, girls, girls, Starship Trooper and Tiger Beat amongst them. And Tchaikovsky?

What a surreal experience to hear the 1812 Overture featured within a panto.

But then this was an unusual panto, which included its own diary room with Big Momma as the all-seeing, all-hearing presence and in spite of this, Cinderella did go to the ball and won her prince in the end.

A good night out - this panto deserved a longer run!

The Instant Panto Company Empire Hall, Totton