CAMPAIGNERS have won their battle to save the only historic building in a Hampshire village.

Linden Homes has done a U-turn and halted demolition work on the former Blackfield Infant School following a demonstration by scores of placard-waving villagers.

Linden says it stopped work yesterday after recognising the depth of feeling over the loss of the former sports pavilion.

Alexis McEvoy, chairman of Fawley Parish Council, said the breakthrough followed an approach to the company's managing director, Pat Feighery.

She added: "Yesterday was unbelievably manic but I'm absolutely delighted with the outcome.

"Linden Homes was not aware that Blackfield people wanted the building to be retained. They suddenly found themselves caught up in a furore and to their credit are attempting to redeem the situation."

Cllr McEvoy said the former school would be subject of a meeting between Linden Homes and the district council on February 28.

She added: "I've been assured that Linden will be looking for some sort of scheme that enables them to retain the building and incorporate it their plans for the site."

The 80-year-old building was originally a golf clubhouse constructed by the De Rothschild family, owners of Exbury Gardens.

The land was eventually sold to Hampshire County Council, which replaced the golf course with the infant school.

Last year the school was closed and sold to Linden Homes, which has outline planning permission to build 40 homes on the site.

A Linden spokesman told the Daily Echo: "In recognition of the depth of feeling over the loss of the clubhouse building we have reviewed the situation and halted demolition.

"We recognise that heritage matters are important and respect the role that some buildings play within local communities."