HER DYING wish is to be reunited with one of her dearest friends.

Cancer patient Betty Anscombe, 74, lost touch with close friend Diane Easter when she moved away from the area in the late 1970s.

Now the grandmother of six would give anything to see her friend again - and is appealing to Daily Echo readers to help reunite them.

"I don't know how long I've got left," said Betty. "It would mean so much to find Diane."

The women met in 1966 when Betty - then Mrs Anderson - moved to Parklands Close in Chandler's Ford with her first husband Ted.

The neighbours soon became inseparable, sharing the school run, coffee mornings and girly chats. Diane even did Betty's hair when she married second husband Ron in 1977.

Over the years the women lost touch but Betty - who now lives in Holbury - is desperate to trace her friend before it is too late.

For the full story see today's Daily Echo