ROWDY youths who travelled from miles around to congregate in Brockenhurst have been the target of a police operation.

Groups of up to 50 teenagers were descending on the village on Friday evenings, causing a headache for residents who complained of criminal damage and other antisocial behaviour.

Youths were travelling in by train from Hythe, Lymington, Barton and New Milton and then congregating in Brookley Road until the early hours.

However, a police operation over the past two months has seen a major reduction in reports of rowdy and inconsiderate behaviour and a 40 per cent reduction in criminal damage.

Officers have upped patrols in the area and have seized alcohol and tobacco from the youngsters. Altogether, they have spoken to 68 youths, sent 34 letters home to their parents and carried out one drugs search.

During December and January there were 17 reports of rowdiness and 15 of criminal damage. In February and March this has dropped to two reports of rowdiness and nine of criminal damage.

Sgt Paul Howlett, of Lymington police station, said: "We would like to reassure residents that this is an ongoing project. We will continue to work with local businesses and residents.