FRUSTRATED charity volunteers are anxiously waiting to move from their current centre after having to endure yet another crime.

The British Red Cross site in Woodside Avenue, Eastleigh, has been repeatedly targeted by vandals over the past few years.

In the most recent incident, burglars forced their way in via a window and emptied envelopes containing some £100 in donations made by people who had used the centre's medical loan equipment facility.

Linda Read, training group leader, said: "We work really hard to raise that money for charity and to see it taken by some mindless thieves is frustrating and upsetting.

"These donations were made by the most vulnerable people in our community, people who are going through a bad time but have been generous enough to donate money that they can only just afford.

"We are waiting to be moved to the new community centre in Magpie Lane.

"After this latest attack that move cannot come quickly enough. Having our buildings attacked is really difficult because it takes money from what would have been spent on helping people to spend on building repairs instead."

Marian Giles, who co-ordinates the medical loans, said: "Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident as we have become a target for vandals over the past few years.

"Last year we had every single window smashed.

"Every Monday morning I drive past and always look and think: What have the vandals done to us this weekend?' It just makes me cross."

Police would like to hear from anyone who saw anything suspicious around the building during April 20-21.