THEY’RE the unsung heroes who quietly go above and beyond their duties to care for patients and their families at Southampton General Hospital.

Whether they are a nurse providing a shoulder to cry on during life-saving cancer treatment, a midwife showing extraordinary skill to bring a newborn baby into the world, or a dedicated volunteer who turns up rain or shine with a smile on their face to ensure a patient’s stay can be just that little bit more comfortable – they are all champions in their own right.

Now we are urging Daily Echo readers to cast these army of loving, loyal and dedicated people into the spotlight for the change to receive the ultimate recognition for everything they do.

We have teamed up with Southampton University Hospital NHS Trust to launch this year’s search for a new star to clinch a coveted title in the trust’s Hospital Heroes Awards.

The Daily Echo’s Reader’s Choice Award will be presented to individuals who our readers feel have gone the the extra mile to provide exemplary support to people.

Whether it is is a much needed lift when they are often at their most vulnerable or lowest ebb in what seems like a never-ending treatment, or been there to celebrate what becomes one of their happiest or most relieving moments of their life.

We want to hear your stories; who are they, what did they do and where were you when they made that vital difference which brought a smile to your face?

They will follow in the footsteps of last year’s winner Gertie Broom, 92, who scooped the gong being an unsung hero at the Princess Anne Hospital after volunteering there for 30 years.

Trust chief executive Fiona Dalton said: “Our annual Hospital Heroes event is an excellent way of showing appreciation of the fantastic work staff across the organisation carry out for thousands of patients on a daily basis.

“The Daily Echo’s Readers’ Choice Award is a particularly significant category as it enables patients to highlight staff who have gone the extra mile for them and we look forward to seeing people share their experiences this year.”

Your nominated heroes will be invited to a glitzy awards ceremony held at the city’s Novotel Hotel on Monday, March 14, where the results of 13 other categories Entries must be submitted by the February 29 deadline by emailing or or contacting 023 8042 4498 or 023 8042 4522.