PANTOMIME performers from a Hampshire care home swapped Peking for Peckham when they staged Aladdin at a nearby primary school.

The troupe of staff from Colten Care’s Belmore Lodge home entertained children at Pennington Infant School with an ‘Only Fools and Horses’ take on the traditional story of the genie and the magic lamp.

The characters included a baddie called Avabanana and a Del Boy impersonator in a cut-out yellow van sporting the straplines ‘Belmore Independent Trading’ and ‘New York-Paris- Lymington’.

Janie Pearman, Belmore Lodge Home Manager, who played the Widow Twankey, said: “The kids loved it and so did we. It was lovely to bring several of our residents along to the show too. Everyone joined in with cheers and boos in all the right places.”

The visit was arranged after a group from the care home came to the school in panto costumes as part of Children in Need fundraising last November. Children from the school then performed a concert at the home at Christmas.

Janie added: “Both the school and the care home are part of the fabric of the Pennington community. We have so many strong family links with each other and making reciprocal visits is a great way to continue the relationship.”