FARMERS across Hampshire have put in security measures to prevent foot and mouth spreading to the county.

Livestock owners today remained on high alert after cattle at a farm in neighbouring Surrey were slaughtered when they were found to be infected with the disease.

An immediate blanket ban on moving livestock was imposed nationwide but farms also brought in their own measures.

Avoiding a repeat of the 2001 foot and mouth crisis were at the forefront of Hampshire's 1,000 livestock farmers' minds.

The National Farmers' Union (NFU) is urging its members to be vigilant.

Sam Dovey, spokesman for the NFU's New Forest branch, said: "We are extremely concerned that this has suddenly appeared again. It's less than 100 miles away and, with the amount of movement at this time of year with tourists, we have got to be careful.

"Everyone is waiting with bated breath, hoping it has been a flash in the pan and is isolated, but if it spreads there could be massive implications.

"We are taking advice from Defra but we support the blanket suspension of livestock movement.

"The most important thing is to stop it spreading.

"We are urging our members to keep a careful eye on their livestock and report any possible symptoms immediately.''