TWO projects competing for Government cash to bring a "wow" factor to Southampton were both snubbed today.

Business and community leaders decided not to award a grant towards either a life-size replica of a Spitfire or three giant colourful murals intended to celebrate the city's past, present and future.

The city's ruling Conservatives wanted to install a life-size replica of the Second World War fighter plane on the roundabout near to the De Vere Grand Harbour Hotel. It had widespread public as well as cross party support.

Southampton Solent University's Wall of Fame and Vision proposal would have celebrated some of the city's heritage, personalities and achievements on the walls of the Sir James Matthew Building, next to Guildhall Square.

The Southampton Partnership, a group of community and business representatives, decided not to award a grant of about £235,000 from the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA).

The cash was originally earmarked for four green lasers to be beamed out of the Civic Centre clock tower.

The Liberal Democrat promoted scheme was effectively ditched by the Tories who declined to allow the go-ahead of trials planned for the autumn.

The alternative schemes failed to meet the criteria for the Government cash despite an extension being given by the Southampton Partnership for more details from the bidders.