OWNERS and staff at a bridal gown shop in Warsash have been shocked by a vandal attack on the premises.

The front window of A Bride-2-Bee, was smashed along with plant containers, and an ornamental tree was uprooted.

Shopkeepers Mark and Tricia Garrett, pictured above, are appealing for anyone who might have information to come forward and help police catch the culprits.

Mr Garrett said: "We have been in business here for about eight years and you do not expect this sort of thing to happen in what is normally a quiet village.

"In the past we have had the odd hanging basket and potted plant taken but never had this sort of agression towards the building.

"You do not expect this because we are in the business of helping people fulfil dreams on what is one of the biggest days of their life."

It is not known what was hurled at the window. Because the building was a former bank the window is made of reinforced glass.

Police are investigating.