A MAN was caught with indecent movies of children as young as five years old just months after being convicted of the same offences.

Lewis Westbrook lied to officers when they visited him to check his mobile phone.

The check was part of a routine inspection following his community order sentence for six counts of possessing indecent images and five charges of possessing extreme pornography in June, 2017.

When the 20-year-old’s phone was eventually checked again in February, three category A indecent films were found.

The court heard that some showed footage of a youngster being raped.

Southampton Crown Court heard Westbrook was being investigated for “concerning, but not criminal” charges of attempting to meet a teenager - all of which Westbrook was found not guilty of.

This led to officers searching Westbrook’s home and seizing his mobile phone.

After conducting a search, prosecutor Daniel Sawyer told the court officers found the videos.

Without confirming with police, Westbrook had also been using different names online such as “Lewis Williams” and “Lewis Ericson” which breached the notification requirements of the sex offenders’ register.

The court heard Westbrook suffers with learning difficulties and mental health issues.

Since being arrested, Mary Aspinall-Miles, mitigating, told the court Westbrook had “a dawning and awakening” to his offending and how wrong it is.

Westbrook, of Ocknell Grove, Dibden, pleaded guilty to two charges of breaching conditions, possessing indecent photographs and possessing cannabis.

He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment, suspended for two years, which includes the requirement to carry out 150 hours unpaid work and complete 60 days’ rehabilitation activity.