Let me get this right... This dishonest, incompetent, idiotic government of Brexit rich boys, having not even produced a feasible Plan A after two years, are now basically threatening the EU to sign up to May’s unworkable, half-cock proposals, that even members of her own government and MPs hate, otherwise (so threatens another Tory hatchet-face pipsqueak, one David Lidington), we will go for ‘no-deal’ and inflict hurt on you! Except, of course, the pain goes both ways. In other words, the utterly hapless Mrs May and the Brexit gang are playing Russian roulette, but with us, the entire population of the Dis-United Kingdom (our economy, our jobs, our pensions, our cost of living, our health care and NHS, our children’s future, etc.,) as the stakes. Agree to this, otherwise we will shoot our own citizens as well as some of yours! Masterstroke negotiating point! Did the Leave voters vote to be used as political mincemeat? Remember, voters, the rich Tory Brexit fat-cats like Boris and Mogg and IDS, they won’t suffer – you will. And our MP by just 11 votes is part of this collective suicide pact!

Garth Groombridge