PARENTS, schools and the public all have their part to play in making sure children do not play truant, according to education bosses.

They have said it is not just the job of the city council to deal with the city's worsening truancy record.

It has emerged the city's secondary schools have the worst truancy record in the south-east and primary schools the second worst, as previously reported in the Daily Echo.

To make matters worse the city's rate of authorised absences where a child has been granted time off due to sickness, term time holiday or another reason is well above the national average.

Now Southampton's education boss Councillor Peter Baillie said: "We are working hard with schools to make sure parents and pupils are aware of why it is so important to get a good education.

"It is up to everyone to think about whether there is something they can do to promote school attendance."

Southampton Itchen MP John Denham said that parent condoned absences were a serious problem.

"Parents have to face up to the damage to their children when they are not in school. There is a problem when parents turn a blind eye or actively support truancy."