A BRAND new congregation has started in Gosport.

Leesland Neighbourhood Church congregation has been launched by Pioneer Minister Reverend Tim Watson in the effort to create new worshipping communities in the area.

The congregation is designed for those who might not normally attend church.

The session begins with a coffee and a chat, followed by a shared meal to build up relationships.

Tim said:" About half of the people who come have never been to church before, or haven’t been to church for years.

“Hopefully what we can offer is something that builds up the local community and gives them a chance to think about spiritual issues.

"We also want to join in with what local people are already doing to help build up the community of Leesland.”

Becky Knight, who attends with her daughter Eve, said: “I’m actually Roman Catholic, and Eve used to go to church every Sunday morning.

"But Sunday afternoon is actually more convenient.

“I’m not that churchy, but it’s good for Eve to hear about what Easter is and so on, and it’s good for us to be involved with something in the local community.

"It’s also nice to eat with other people.”

The new congregation has also launched Leesland Bumblebees, a toddler group which meets each Wednesday from 9am until 10:30 am at Faiths Church.

A further new congregation is being launched in Milton, Portsmouth, using a choir for children and young people as the core of the new church.

To get involved with the new Leesland Neighbourhood Church congregation visit St Faiths Church in Gosport at 4:30pm on Sunday afternoons.