POOCHES were strutting their stuff for charity at an annual dog show.

The event at St James' Park in Shirley had been postponed from September due to bad weather.

But on Sunday dog lovers were out in force for the event in aid of charity West Country Bullie Walks - which raises money to relieve the suffering and distress of Bull Terriers in UK rescues centres.

With classes from best pedigree to best fancy dress the aim was to attract local residents no matter what breed of dog they own.

And there were bouncy castles, refreshments and other activities to keep the whole family entertained.

Organiser Cindy Phillips said: "It's to raise money for the charity and to promote the park and increase the footfall in the cafe. It's a community event to get all the local dog owners together.

"There's lots of people around Shirley who have mutts - we deliberately keep this fun and lighthearted so that every can bring their dog and they can all join in."