IT does not surprise me that over weight people are the people most discriminated against according to a recent survey.

Not only by employers but people feel free to criticise large people to their face and think it is funny.

I am a comedian and I am overweight and I only have to say to an audience I feel as light as a feather or any other comment about my weight and it always gets a laugh.

By making these jokes I am as guilty as anyone showing it's OK to mock large people and I should really desist from doing this but when all else fails being fat is something people find funny.

If you have a large belly people have no compunction to start prodding your stomach whilst talking to you - even strangers in lifts.

One guy poked me with an umbrella once and was miffed when I said he was rude. If I haven’t seen someone for a while they often say haven’t you put it on and I reply: “And you’ve aged a lot since we last met.”

They always walk away offended but they do not care that they might have offended me. I have lost count of the times people for a joke ask me when’s it due?

Last summer I was on a beach having a snooze when I heard a group kids shout "let's push it back - in its still breathing".

They need not have done a survey to find out that large people are discriminated against they need only to ask any large person and they would have got all the info they needed.

Paddy Maxwell
