A WARNING has been issued after a number of cars have been approached by anti-social beggars in Southampton.

It comes after a number of incidents were reported in the Regents Park area.

Cars have been approached at night at traffic lights or on the road and drivers have been asked for money.

Inspector Paul Southam said: “We are aware of several reports whereby motorists waiting at traffic lights have been approached by people on foot asking for money in the Regents Park area over the last few months.

“We have been, and continue to, work with our partners to reduce this kind of anti-social behaviour by diverting vulnerable people towards support services.

“We firmly believe that effective support services and charities are the agencies best equipped to improve the complex issues surrounding street begging.

“However, we will respond to calls of anti-social behaviour and deal with these effectively to reduce the impact it has on the community.

“If you are approached in similar circumstances in the Regents Park area, please report it.

“We can only deal with it if we know what’s going on.

“If someone approaches your vehicle in this way and you do not wish to engage with them please just lock your doors and keep your vehicle secure. Please then report it via 101 when safe to do so.”

Cllr Steven Galton said: “This pattern of behaviour is not normal.

“Are these people being pressured into this or is there something more going on?

“They will sometimes even step out into traffic to stop cars and potentially put their lives at risk. Some witnesses even say they have been banging on windows and doors.

“This is aggressive begging, it goes beyond asking for a little change.

“What I would ask is that people give in the right places.”