NEARLY three-quarters of British pet owners say they sometimes leave the heating on for their animals when they go out - and many keep their homes as warm for their pets as they would for themselves.

A survey by energy company E.ON found that a third of pet owners also leave a light on for their beloved pooch or cat, and around a quarter treat their pampered pets to some TV and radio while home alone.

Nearly half of the animal-lovers surveyed admit spoiling their pets causes conflict in their home - and these habits can certainly use up a lot of extra energy too. So what’s the solution?

E.ON has teamed up with naturalist, TV presenter, and all-round pet lover Chris Packham, to offer his top tips on keeping beloved animals safe and comfortable - without wasting energy.

“As a nation of animal lovers, keeping our pets happy is a top priority for many Brits,” says Packham, “and making sure your home is snug is one quick way to do so. With some small simple changes, you can save money, lessen your impact on the planet, and keep your all-important pet happy.”

Here, Chris shares six top tips for keeping pets cosy while being mindful of those energy bills...

1. A well-positioned bed:

You don’t need so much heating if your pet has a cosy place of their own. Get down to your pet’s level. How does it feel? Is it draughty or cosy?

“Choose an appropriate bed and make sure it’s in an appropriate place - not in a draught, not in the sun when its beating through the window and might fry them. Just think about the reasonable, simple things.”

2. A designated pet room:

“You don’t need to heat the whole house to keep your pet warm. Pick a snug room that’s easy to clean if you’ve got a pet that moults. Make sure it’s not too hot or too cold - keep a radiator on in their cosy corner - perhaps with access to the outside of the house if you’ve got cats and cat flaps. And make sure there’s food and water in reach.

“I would never justify heating my entire house to keep one small dog happy - that’s insane.”

3. Tech up, power down:

“A smart thermostat allows you to control the temperature all over your house, and monitor your heating wherever you are using your smartphone. So if you’ve got a pet in one room, you can heat only that room, at exactly the right temperature.”

4. Is the TV for you or them?

“None of my poodles have ever watched TV, and it’s easy to see whether your pet is responding or not. If they aren’t, turn it off and let them get some peace and quiet.”

5. A good hot dinner:

“During winter, on cold days, food straight out of the fridge won’t be very appetising. Warm your pet’s meals up to ensure the food is at room temperature before feeding. This uses a bit of energy - but nothing like as much as heating the whole house.”

6. Proper care vs pampering:

“You may have a roughty-toughty outdoorsy dog that leaps in freezing rivers and mud, but when you take them home a cold, wet dog is not going to be happy. I got my dog a raincoat - they’re inexpensive items. Always imagine how you would feel in their paws!”