Re the letter 'why so many roadworks'.

I agree completely with the lady from Bitterne and her comments.

My husband and I also remarked on the amount of workmen or rather lack of workmen employed on the many roadworks which are causing terrific holdups/ diversions.

Surely things could have been better planned and more thought given.

At times there were absolutely no workmen in sight.

We aren't blaming the workmen, merely wondering why those planners sitting at their desks in the Civic Centre thought to disrupt so many areas all at once.

I guess some had to be done in conjunction and perhaps hopefully soon we shall be back to normal and then we can see if all these 'works' were worthwhile.

I guess it probably stems from the vast amount of house building going on in the East of Southampton bringing great worry regarding the extra traffic no matter what is done to the roads and also a further worry where are doctors, schools etc etc are going to be found once these estates are completed.

J Boyle
