A DRAFT council budget for Southampton containing more than £10m in cuts and savings has been approved for consultation.

Tory chiefs have drawn up the hit list in a bid to meet a pledge of a below-inflation council tax rise next year, currently 3.9 per cent - an increase of about £50 on the average bill.

A total of 116 jobs, including 33 vacant jobs, would be axed while about £1m would be raised from rises in charges for council services.

More than £5m would come from efficiency savings.

The £166m budget would also bring in a ten per cent council tax discount for pensioners and scrap council tax for special constables.

Councillor Jeremy Moulton, Cabinet member for finance, promised to listen to all those affected by the budget and said that changes could be made.

He blamed the cuts on a "rotten deal" from central Government which unfairly hit Southampton.

Consultation on the draft budget, released five months early, will run until February, when it must be approved by the full council.

Links to other budget stories:

OAP council tax discount row
15 days to stop bus cuts
Fury over cuts to bus services
New threat to library hours
Council axe to fall on swimming scheme used by 5,000 children
City chiefs plan huge cutbacks to rein in council tax

The full list of proposed savings...

Children's services
Reduce subsidy to city catering because take-up of healthy school meals not as bad as thought, £100,000
Better use of local authority grant to fund education support services, £450,000
Restructure policy and planning team, £55,000, 1 job
Reduce community subsidy to schools for extra-curricular activities, £100,000
Merge community learning services and encourage charities to take on neighbourhood learning centres, £38,000, 1 job
Efficiency savings from Connexions service for young people coming in-house, £100,000
Withdraw council social inclusion grant from schools which helps poorer pupils, £580,000
Cut management, leadership and governance advice and support to schools, £30,000, 1 job, 1 post
Efficiency saving from management and admin costs across children and family services, £57,000, 1 part-time job
Close residential home that deals with youths with behavioural problems, £300,000, 14 jobs, 4 posts
Trim funding of music service which could result in higher fees, £40,000
Restructure IT support for education, £38,000, 1 job, 1 post
Speed up city-wide schools reviews, £51,000, 1 job
Merge management of the early years and childcare team, £151,000, 1 job
Cut payments to city college for social inclusion work, £49,000
Scrap community language service for ethnic minority communities, £84,000, 3 jobs
Reduce funding children's play schemes after getting external funding, £287,000, 12.5 jobs
Reduce staffing of special educational needs team, £15,000, 1part-time job
Reduce council services to tackle badly behaved pupils, £50,000, 1 job
Cut senior management and admin staff in learning services, £58,000, 3 jobs
Merge family centres into Sure Start children's centres, £175,000, 7.5 jobs, 3 posts
Total cuts and savings £2.81m, 50 jobs, 9 posts

Economic development and regeneration
Sell more gifts and increase income at tourist information office, £19,000
Increase income to city centre management team by charging more for city centre events, £10,000
Axe two vacant designer posts who give advice on major developments, £78,000, 2 posts
Reduce visits to Qingdao, China - Southampton's sister city, £30,000
Move community safety staff into one building, £43,000, 1.5 jobs
Axe a job in community safety team, £30,000, 1 job
Reduce funding to drug action team, £17,000
Sell use of CCTV cameras to other bodies, £40,000
Sell antisocial behaviour services to other councils, £10,000
Reduce staffing on neighbourhood renewal projects, £38,000, 1 job
Replace New Communities funding with Government grant, £50,000
Axe a project worker in community cohesion team, £19,000, 1 job
Axe an equality standards worker, £21,000, 1 job
Cut divisional manager in regeneration team, £34,000, 1 job
Axe a neighbourhood renewal worker, £30,000, 1 job
Total cuts and savings £469,000, 7.5 jobs, 2 posts

Environment and transport
Change binmen's shift patterns, £70,000
Review waste service contracts to make efficiencies, £10,000
Prevent more industrial or trade waste dumping at household recycling sites, £10,000
Get charities to collect textile waste to reduce landfill, £15,000
New stickers to remind residents to put waste in right bins, £20,000
Tougher enforcement and education to encourage recycling, £70,000
Efficiency savings and use better computer systems, £15,000
Use longer lasting or cheaper tyres, £22,000
Find cheaper suppliers for equipment, uniforms and refuse sacks, £10,000
Better purchasing policies, £10,000
Combine trade waste collections, £10,000
Less use of telephones, toll bridge tokens, stationary and equipment, £20,000
Offer smaller recycling boxes as wheelie bin replacements where needed, £20,000
Stop publishing non-statutory planning notices in the local press, £100,000
Change bus shelter contract, £50,000
Encourage cheaper use of transport across council, £50,000
Close some budgets for completed studies and those that overlap, £95,000
Get cemetery staff working more efficiently, £20,000
Tougher penalties for utility companies digging up roads, £25,000
Review traffic warden staffing structure, £10,000
Carry out in-house taxi inspections, £10,000
Keep less stock in vehicle stores, £10,000
Charge for replacement missing bins, £15,000
Charge for bins to new developments, £40,000
Introduce charge for emptying recycling bins in schools, £20,000
Higher charges for skip hire, £10,000
Higher charges for specialist waste collections and end free collection of fridges/freezers, £70,000
Higher commercial waste charges, £30,000
More charges for pre-planning advice on major developments, £14,000
Charge for expert environmental advice to others councils and businesses, £10,000
Higher charges for new types of graveside memorials, £15,000
Review asbestos team charging arrangements, £20,000
Increase charges for drainage works, £10,000
Bid for external funding to carry out food testing and sampling, £20,000
Charge more for citizenship ceremonies, £10,000
Increase fees and charges for registration, £10,000
Higher car parking charges (already agreed), £141,000
Charge landlords for student clear-ups, £10,000
Stop shift work for the council's vehicle workshop, £28,000
Cheaper vehicle fuels and more efficient working arrangements, £15,000
Reduce low season green waste collections , £90,000
Concessionary bus travel to start at 9.30am rather than 9am, £75,000
Concentrate work on most important planning documents, £16,000
Cuts subsidy to very low used bus routes, £350,000
Scrap grants to sustainability forum, an external environmental group, £23,000
Less promotion of staff travel plan, £15,000
Total cuts and savings £1.73m

Adult social care and health
Health trust to pay higher share of funding for Northlands nursing care, £70,000
Health trust to pick up more of the bill for adult care services, £300,000
New computer licensing process, £95,000
Staff to use cheaper car parks, £10,000
Review to use more private, charity and voluntary care, £100,000
Efficiencies from development of automated process, £20,000
Reorganise adult disability and metal health day services, £100,000
Increase charges for some day and home care by ten per cent, £80,000
Axe one member of back office staff, £20,000, 1 post
Reduce training budget, £10,000
Reduce level of training for care services to keep pace with latest standards, £20,000
Reduce staff working on health and well being programmes, £55,000, 1 job, 1part-time post
Axe commissioning service manager and personal assistant, £68,000, 2 jobs
Total cuts and savings £948,000, 3 jobs, 1.5 posts

Housing and neighbourhoods
Scrap four vacant neighbourhood warden posts, £187,000, 4 posts
Reduce seasonal and agency staffed grass cutting in cemeteries, £10,000
Reduce charges for transport, £30,000
Use fewer seasonal staff, £26,000
Axe one park keeper, £20,000, 1 job
Move costs of work carried out by parks team to housing account, £120,000
Reduce need for week-end overtime, £20,000
Reduce allotments subsidy, £10,000
Put more adverts on public toilets, £12,000
Use lower maintenance flowers and plants, £25,000
Axe a personal assistant, £10,000, 1 part-time post
Axe one senior manager, £50,000, 1 job
Reduce subsidy for HMO licences, £50,000
Increase rents for pitches at Kanes Hill Gypsy Site , £7,000
Get more sponsorship for floral features, £30,000
Raise golf prices at Riverside Park to £3.50 and £2 at Weston, £6,000
Restructure housing advice services , £30,000, 1 part-time post
Reduce opening hours of Neighbourhood Advice Centre, £60,000, 2 jobs
Reduce strategy, policy and research work and business support, £49,000, 2 jobs
Reduce inspection of good private landlords, £116,000, 2 jobs, 1.5 posts
Scrap neighbourhood partnerships, £277,000, 4 jobs, 1 post
Fewer urgent checks and slower work on low risk trees, £10,000
Total cuts and savings £1.16m, 12 jobs, 7.6 posts

Reduce courses and seminars, £3,000
Reduce printing costs for council magazines, £5,000
Reduce leaflets and standardise compliment slips, £33,000
Axe democratic support officer, £38,000, 1 post
Pass on costs to housing account, £18,000
Save printing costs, including council agendas, £6,000
Increase target for sponsorship and advertising, £89,000
Additional income from sponsorship and advertising from new post, £15,000
Offer design team to outside organisations , £5,000
Higher taxi fees and more income from gambling fees, £20,000
Axe part-time research and development officer post, 1 part-time post £11,000
Reduce temporary staff pool budget, £10,000
Cut councillors expenses, £31,000
Axe trainee solicitor post, £18,000, 1 post
Total cuts and savings £302,000, 2.4posts

Leisure and culture
Freeze maintenance budgets on historic buildings, £10,000
Axe a personal assistant, £10,000, 1 part-time post
Reduce cost of Guildhall contract, £25,000
Scrap vacant library services posts, £45,000, 1 job, 1.8 posts
Use lower cost library IT system, £30,000
Reduce major projects management contingency budget, £20,000
Reduce preparation budget for Titanic 2012, £30,000
Close three cricket and four football pitches, £20,000
Private sector management of sports and recreation facilities, £60,000
Axe one outdoor centre worker, £31,000, 1 job
Sell prints from art gallery and heritage collections, £30,000
Raise charges for Maritime Museum from £2 to £3. £15,000
Charge £1.50 adults and 75p children for Archaeology Museum, £10,000
Use buildings for more functions, £15,000
Use public art contributions from developers to fund art officer, £42,000
Scrap oral history unit, £47,000, 2 jobs
Reduce grants to art groups, £70,000
Reduce library opening hours, £65,000, 4 posts
Replace fewer books, £35,000
Health trust to fund more referrals to council's sports facilities, £33,000
Reduce open hours at quiet times at Oaklands from 11.30am Sat and all Sun and close St Mary's from 6pm Fri and all weekend, £25,000, 3 jobs, 1part-time post
Withdraw funding for free under-7s swimming (approx 4,700 registered), £100,000
Close Woodmill canoe shop on alternate Sundays and reduce temporary staff, £11,000
Reduce repairs and maintenance budgets for leisure venues, £33,000
Total cuts and savings £812,000, 7 jobs, 7 posts

Restructure finance team including axing one job, £100,000, 1 post
Reduce use of agency staff and cut supplies and services budget, £25,000
Restructure financial support to cash office, £25,000, 1 post
Restructure financial support for children's services, £25,000, 1 post
Change bank account, £40,000
Axe civic buildings policy and finance officer, £53,000, 1 post
More investment income from leased property, £100,000
Reduce financial support to trade unions, £106,000
Total cuts and savings £502,000, 4 jobs, 4 posts