I CONGRATULATE you on your fine campaign on behalf of the homeless.

It’s good to see a newspaper standing up for some of the most disadvantaged people in society and recognising that most of us are only a few mistakes away from being on the streets ourselves.

It should shame us all that in the fifth richest country in the world we cannot save several hundred of our fellow citizens from dying on the streets each year for want of the necessities of life.

I have sat and chatted and shared a sandwich or a roll-up with ‘the homeless’ – a great variety of individuals ranging from shivering youngsters to hardened ex-soldiers with untreated PTSD.

Apart from some cash (never mind what they want it for) they know what they need: a place of shelter where they and their problems (and maybe the dog that watches over their sleep) will be welcomed and helped to get a home of their own and a way to return to lives that many of us can take for granted.

None of them has said that Brexit would solve their problems.

Patrick Kinnersly
