As in time of war, when it is expected that opposition parties lend their support to the Government on the overall aims, so should it be during other crises, such as Covid-19, with which we are currently confronted.

However, when the Government makes mistakes, as this one has in most areas from the very start of the emergence of the virus, then it is the duty to Opposition to expose and challenge them.

Unfortunately, the main opposition party, Labour, were continuing to be hindered by Jeremy Corbyn, still pursuing his own totally irrelevant personal crusade.

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There was no effective opposition, meanwhile Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings continued to concentrate on celebrating Brexit and concentrating on seeing how they could get Big Ben to gong at midnight on 31 January.

The almost sole opposition has been Piers Morgan, and Robert Peston.

Almost daily Piers has easily exposed senior Government ministers as being totally uninformed about the key issues.

When interviewed, the answer given to almost every question has been that “we are being guided by the science”, without having attempted to carry out any research of their own to appear personally informed.

The audience are left thinking that we are being led by a bunch of incompetents.

There in now a new leader of the Labour Party.

He has begun well but he and his team are going to need time to bed in, become recognised and earn our respect.

After their thumping at the December general election, the general view is that it will be 10 years before they can be considered for government again.

However, the immediate future is now so uncertain that nothing will be as before.

Mr Starmer, your country needs you, lets us see what you are made of.

On recent evidence, you have nothing to beat.

Bob Davies
