I understand it's a journalist to report the news not make it, but Piers Morgan takes, in my view, matters far too far.

What's the point of having guests on when he constantly interrupts and speaks over them.

I was struck however when he interviewed Tony Bair. Blair was able 99.9% to speak uninterrupted. He often whinges he does not win television awards. Perhaps the NTA could insert a category of over in flatted ego's which I@m sure he would win hands down.

If he has all the answers which he seems to think he processes I don't know why he doesn't run for public office.

It's very easy to say what you would do when your in a nice warm studio, the time for would've could've should've is for another day Piers.

See here for more readers' letters

Let people answer the question in a manner they wish to convey otherwise just sit in front of a mirror and ask the question and give the reply you so desire.

Give people the respect. they deserve, surly the time has come now for TV schedules to get back to norma.

Is it really still necessary for certain channels to bombard hour after hour, day after day, surely we can get all this updated developments at the normal new bulletins and of course the daily government update.

The NHS and all the emergency volunteers are doing a tremendous exemplary job - well done to them all.

The true heroes of the moment, not so called celebrities, some of whom seem to have hijacked the crisis to further their own personal self indulgence and profile.

Always live for today because you never know what tomorrow may bring or what it may take away.

Peter Fallon
