A HAMPSHIRE care service where staff "miss visits" has been told it is "not always safe" and people are "at risk".

Laburnum House Extra Care, run by Radis Community Care, is a service providing personal care and support to people living in specialist 'extra care' housing in Hedge End.

The service has 51 flats and bungalows with on-site staff who are present 24/7.

The service had an inspection on February 18 this year, and the findings were published by the CQC on May 27 giving the home an over all rating of "requires improvement".

The report found that three out of five categories used to determine the rating all require improvement, and the two others were rated as good.

Inspectors found that the service was not always safe and that there was a risk people of being harmed.

Inspectors were told that there were times when staff had missed visits.

They said, "I ring up if they don't turn up" and "It used to be really organised but the last few months it hasn't been.

"My son spoke with staff. They told him I wasn't on the computer, so we'll see how it goes. I find it a worry."

Another resident said that sometime staff would be late to visits which would cause their medicines to be late.

They added: "This means my pain has built up and I then can't have them at the set times." They also told us, "I'm epileptic so it's important I have my (medicine) at the right time to keep the fits under control."

It was also found that since the last inspection, while some improvements were made, training records were still incomplete.

Three staff records indicated they had received safeguarding training in August 2017 but no refresher training since then.

For another staff member who started in 2017 there was no record of training in safeguarding or moving and handling.

A spokesperson for Radis Community Care said they are currently workng on a response.