AXO, Airport eXpansion Opposition, is saddened this week with the decision by Southampton City Council planning and rights of way committee to agree the felling of three Monterey Pines in the copse.

While it is claimed these trees were to be felled on health and safety grounds, this is just the beginning of the felling of trees required as part of the masterplan of the airport to accommodate bigger noisier planes over our city.

The decision was taken despite confusion over different versions of the the report from the tree specialist engaged by the airport (the first of which required no felling) and a specialist engaged by Friends of Marlhill Copse recommending that only one of the trees required felling on safety grounds.

The tall trees at Marlhill Copse are a physical barrier to further airport expansion.

The noise pollution issues from the larger aircraft planned will be a blight on the city.

If the city cannot see what they have done this week they are naïve.

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More information about AXO can be found at

Katherine Barbour

AXO campaigner