Barton Peveril Sixth Form College will subsidise bus travel for all of it's students.

Annual bus passes on Xelabus and Bluestar services will be reduced from £650 to £350 as a result of this subsidy scheme.

Barton Peveril principal, Jonathan Prest said: "I am delighted Barton Peveril can announce it is subsidising the cost of bus passes for the coming academic year.

"We believe this will recognise the less frequent journeys students are making and will help remove one of the many pressures on families at this difficult time."

With social distancing measures in place due to the ongoing pandemic, students will be less likely to require the bus service this academic year.

With a possible blend of online and on campus learning, the amount students will use their bus passes will be significantly less and this will now be reflected in the reduced price.

"The College is keen from September to get back to students being taught on campus for most of their sessions.

"However, as one of the measures to keep our students and staff safe, we will change our timetable to two longer lessons in a day, reducing the number of students in college at any one time.

"We also need to prepare for having to switch back to online learning, should there be a rise in Covid cases in the UK or in the local population."

The scheme is part of a wider effort to begin a safe return to normality with discussions ongoing to determine the blend of online and on campus learning.