EXTREME weather forced an air ambulance pilot to make an unplanned landing on a country house lawn.

The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance Helicopter was on it's way back from attending an incident when it was hit with rain and high winds.

Duty pilot, Colin Martin, needed to find a safe and suitable space to land as was visbility significantly reduced.

After finding a safe spot and touching down, the crew soon realised they had landed on the south lawn of Broadlands in Romsey.

Richard Jordan-Baker, a Director of Broadlands, said: "It was certainly a dramatic scene as the yellow and green helicopter came into view through the lashing rain and swirling gale."

From the lawn, the crew were then escorted into the house by Lady Mountbatten and family who provided refreshments and refuge until the storm blew over.

A Paramedic on the flight, Sophia Rozario, said: "A decision was made by our pilot to discontinue the flight and that landing was the safest option.

"I don’t think any of us had realised where we had landed until the rotor blades had stopped.

"It was lovely to receive such a warm welcome from Countess Mountbatten and her family, especially after such an impromptu arrival."