ELDERLY residents of a block of flats say they have not had adequate hot water for five weeks.

They say they even have to boil a kettle just to be able to have enough water to do the washing up.

Now they are demanding action claiming their block is also married by a leaking roof, broken lights and smashed glass.

They also say that an office for wardens in the block has been empty and locked up since the coronavirus outbreak started seven months ago.

But the tenants in the Eastleigh block of flats are furious that five weeks after the hot water broke down that it has not been fixed.

Leslie Loader Court on Arrow Close, Eastleigh is run by housing association Abri.

It contains 22 flats, with inhabitants in their 70s, 80s and 90s.

Resident Rosemary Youatt, 73, a retired secretary has lived there now for 16 years.

She said: "We, the residents, do not feel that we are being helped in any way and are disgusted and angry at the many problems in the building and the way they are not being addressed.

"We pay a service charge which includes them being here, and we all wonder what are we paying that for as we're not getting the service."

The service charge is said to be £29.60 a month, but residents say nothing is being done about the problems, and when they try and phone the landlords, they get ignored.

Sarah Sargent, Director of Customer Experience at Abri, said: "We are aware of the issues at Leslie Loader Court and our team are working hard to resolve these as quickly as possible.

"We acknowledge that we’ve not been consistent in our communication keeping customers up to date regarding these problems. For this we apologise."